We provide services that will allow people of all ages and abilities to stay at home longer and with more autonomy.
Home Modifications
Comprehensive home assessment looking at safety, function, and aesthetics. Our goal here is to make your home as accessible and safe as possible for your specific needs.
Fall Prevention Program
Our fall prevention program works with you on improving your function, and strength. Emphasizes practical strategies to reduce fear of falling and improve safety within your home
Balance Training
Environmental Adaptations
Self-Care Assessment
Self-care assessment includes looking at the activities you perform daily to identify areas we may improve function and autonomy
Self-Care Routine
Conditions making you more likely to fall
Low Vision
Impaired Balance
Home Hazards or Obstacles
Useful Statistics
Each year 3 million older adults are treated for falls. Over 800,000 older adults are hospitalized a year for injuries resulting from falls. 1:5 falls ends in major injury